Glu I

6,900.00 27,600.00 

  • CNY: 561.11 ¥ - 2,244.43 ¥

MD DNA endonuclease Glu I.
The enzyme cleaves C5-methylated DNA and doesn’t cut unmodified DNA.

  • Концентрация: 1000 е.а./мл
  • Recognition site: G(5mC)↑NG(5mC) / (5mC)GN↓(5mC)G
  • Источник: Glacial ice bacterium GL24
  • Оптимальный буфер: SE-буфер Y
  • Оптимальная температура: 37
  • Температура инактивации, 20 мин при: 80

Available Options

E519S50 u6,900.00 
  • CNY: 561.11 ¥
E520L250 u27,600.00 
  • CNY: 2,244.43 ¥


Recognition site and hydrolysis position:

G(5mC)NG(5mC) G(5mC)↑NG(5mC)
(5mC)GN(5mC)G (5mC)GN↓(5mC)G

Source: Glacial ice bacterium GL24
Substrate specificity:
Unit definition: One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme
required to hydrolyze completely a unique site:
in 1 μg of linearized plasmid pFsp4HI3/DriI in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 μl. As a result a linearized plasmid pFsp4HI3 disappears (see run 4 in the figure). GluI digestion of recognition sequences with three 5-methylcytosines results in additional bands appearance (runs 4-6 in the figure).

GluI activity assay on DNA pFsp4HI3/DriI
1 and 6 – 1 Kb SE DNA-markers.
2 – Control DNA pFsp4HI3/DriI,
3 – 0.5 μl Glu I
4 – 1 μl Glu I
5 – 2 μl Glu I

Products were separated in 1,4% agarose gel in Buffer TAE.

GluI activity assay on DNA pFsp4HI3/DriI

Assayed on: DNA pFsp4HI3/DriI is a linearized plasmid pFsp4HI3, which carries a gene of DNA-methyltransferase M.Fsp4HI and includes a unique GluI site:5`-G(5mC)NG(5mC)-3`/3`-(5mC)GN(5mC)G-5` [2].
Optimal SE-buffer: SE-buffer Y
Enzyme activity (%):

75 75 25 50 100 100

Storage conditions: 10 mM KH2PO4 (pH 7.45); 200 mM NaCl; 0.1 mM EDTA; 7 mM 2-mercaptoethanol; 200 μg/ml BSA, 50% glycerol; Store at -20°C.
Ligation: –
Non-specific hydrolisis: No detectable degradation of 1μg of Lambda DNA was observed after incubation with 1 units of enzyme for 16 hours at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 μl. Reagents Supplied with Enzyme 10 X SE-buffer Y
Methylation sensitivity: The enzyme cleaves C5-methylated DNAand does not cut unmodified DNA [1].
Notes: When using a buffer other than the optimal (suppied) SEBuffer, it may be necessary to add more enzyme to achieve complete digestion.
1. Chernukhin V.A., Chmuzh E.V., Tomilova J.E., Nayakshina T.N., Dedkov V.S., Degtyarev S.Kh. Bacterial strain Glacial ice bacterium – producer of GluI site specific endonuclease. // Russian Federation patent RU 2322492 C1 (2006).
2. Zhilkina O.A., Repin V.E., Degtyarev S.Kh. Preparation method of restriction endonuclease SfaNI, that recognizes and cleaves DNA sequence 5′-GCATC(N)5^, 3′-CGTAG(N)9^.// Soviet Union patent SU 1442546 (1988). (In Russian)
Degtyarev S.Kh., Repin V.E., Rechkunova N.I. Proteus vulgaris – a strain producer of restriction endonuclease PvuII.// Soviet Union patent SU 1632974 (1991). (In Russian)
Kravets AP, Mousseau TA, Litvinchuk AV, Ostermiller Sh, Vengen GS, Grodzinski DM. Changes in wheat DNA methylation pattern after chronic seed gamma-irradiation.// Tsitol Genet. 2010 Sep-Oct;44(5):18-22. Russian.
1. Chernukhin V.A., Chmuzh E.V., Tomilova J.E., Nayakshina T.N., Dedkov V.S., Degtyarev S.Kh. Bacterial strain Glacial ice bacterium – producer of GluI site specific endonuclease. // Russian Federation patent RU 2322492 C1 (2006).
2. V.A. Chernukhin, E.V. Chmuzh, Yu.E. Tomilova, T.N. Nayakshina, D.A. Gonchar, V.S. Dedkov, S.Kh. Degtyarev A novel site-specific endonuclease GluI recognizes methylated DNA sequence 5’-G(5mC)^NG(5mC)-3’/3’-(5mC)GN^(5mC)G. // Translated from “Ovchinnikov bulletin of biotechnology and physical and chemical biology” V.3, No 2, pp 13-17, 2007
Chernukhin V.A, Abdurashitov M.A., Tomilov V.N., Gonchar D.A., Degtyarev S.Kh. Comparative analysis of mouse chromosomal DNA digestion with restriction endonucleases in vitro and in silico // Translated from “Ovchinnikov bulletin of biotechnology and physical and chemical biology” V.3, No 4, pp 19-27, 2007
Kravets AP, Mousseau TA, Litvinchuk AV, Ostermiller Sh, Vengen GS, Grodzinski DM. Changes in wheat DNA methylation pattern after chronic seed gamma-irradiation.// Tsitol Genet. 2010 Sep-Oct;44(5):18-22. Russian.