Alu I

1,400.00 5,600.00 

  • CNY: 113.85 ¥ - 455.39 ¥

Restriction endonuclease Alu I

  • Recognition site: AG↑CT / TC↓GA
  • Источник: Из штамма E.coli несущего клонированный ген Alu I изArthrobacter luteus
  • Оптимальный буфер: SE-буфер Y
  • Оптимальная температура: 37
  • Температура инактивации, 20 мин при: 65
SKU: SE-E015 Category:

Available Options

E015TS200 uTurbo2 000 u/ml1,400.00 
  • CNY: 113.85 ¥
E016TL1000 uTurbo2 000 u/ml5,600.00 
  • CNY: 455.39 ¥
E015S200 uRegular2 000 - 5 000 u/ml1,400.00 
  • CNY: 113.85 ¥
E016L1000 uRegular2 000 - 5 000 u/ml5,600.00 
  • CNY: 455.39 ¥


Recognition site and hydrolysis position:


Source: An. E.coli strain that carries the cloned Alu I gene from Arthrobacter luteus
Unit definition:
One unit of the enzyme is the amount required to hydrolyze 1 μg of Lambda DNA in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 μl.
Assayed on:
Lambda DNA
Optimal SE-buffer: SE-buffer Y
Enzyme activity (%):

75 75 10 50 100 50

Storage conditions: 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6); 100 mM NaCl; 0.1 mM EDTA; 200 μg/ml BSA; 1 mM DTT, 50% glycerol; Store at -20°C.
After 5-fold overdigestion with enzyme approximately 90% of the DNA fragments can be ligated and recut.
Non-specific hydrolisis:
No nonspecific activity was detected after incubation of 1 μg of Lambda DNA with 4 u.a. of enzyme for 16 hours at 37°C. Reagents Supplied with Enzyme 10 X SE-buffer Y.
Reagents Supplied with Enzyme:
Methylation sensitivity: not tested
Roberts, R.J., Myers, P.A., Morrison, A., Murray, K. J. Mol.Biol. 102: 157-165 (1976).
Murat A Abdurashitov, Victor N Tomilov, Valery A Chernukhin, S. Kh. Degtyarev A physical map of human Alu repeats cleavage by restriction endonucleases // BMC Genomics 2008, 9:305
Abdurashitov M.A., Tomilov V.N., Chernukhin V.A., Gonchar D. A., Degtyarev S. Kh. Comparative analysis of human chromosomal DNA digestion with restriction endonucleases in vitro and in silico. // Translated from “Medical genetics” V.6, No 8, pp 29-36, 2007
V.A. Chernukhin, M.A. Abdurashitov, V.N. Tomilov, D.A. Gonchar, S.Kh. Degtyarev Comparative restriction enzymes analysis of rat chromosomal DNA in vitro and in silico // Translated from “Ovchinnikov bulletin of biotechnology and physical and chemical biology” V.2, No 3, pp 39-46, 2006
V.A. Chernukhin, A. A. Boltengagen, G. V. Tarasova, V.S. Dedkov, S.Kh. Degtyarev New Restriction Endonuclease AluBI from Arthrobacter luteus B – AluI Isoshizomer, nonsensitive to Presence of 5-methylcytosine in the Recognition Sequence AGCT // Translated from “Ovchinnikov bulletin of biotechnology and physical and chemical biology” V.3, No 1, pp 21-27, 2007